Thursday, June 25, 2009

Golfing Barefoot

I played in a golf tournament with my sister-in-law in Loveland last week. It was a complete blast. I played horrible, but I had a lot of fun (the real reason most of us gals play right?).

Me warming up!

I finally launched my new website, Ladies Golf Central, two weeks ago. LGC brings together resources, information and tips (from Letta Meinen!)specifically for female golfers. I have a whole page about ladies golf shoes and how important it is to have a good pair to help prevent slipping during your swing.

So, back to the tournament. I jump into the golf cart with my sister-in-law, who is a really good golfer, and she's barefoot. I asked her where her golf shoes were and she looked at me and said "I play barefoot".

I was a little speechless. Here I am talking about the important of good golf shoes on my site and Miss Awesome Golfer plays barefoot???!! That's Julie though, very no-nonsense. I love her! Here she is teeing off in her pedicured bare feet...

Did I mention she's a really good golfer? She's been playing since she was a kid. I asked her if she's ever owned a pair of golf shoes and she said no. I just laughed (of course the two Mike's Hard Lemonade's helped to make it even funnier).

I did try golfing barefoot for two holes, but I had to put my shoes back on. It just felt weird to me!

Do any of you ever golf barefoot? If so, tell me about it!

Happy Golfing ;).

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