Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Journals for EWGA Event

Sharon from the Colorado EWGA (Executive Women's Golf Association) contacted me yesterday and asked if I'd be willing to donate 24 journals for an event they are having on Saturday. Of course I said yes. I love the EWGA. They are a great group of women.

If you're interested in getting involved with a fun group, join your local EWGA. When I first heard of them I thought you had to be 1) an executive (I assumed of some big corporation) and 2) you had to be a kick ass golfer. Neither is true. You can be at level with any job and join them. I'm a par 3 girl myself and I found they have a group for par 3's! Now I need to join!

I just packed up the journals, put the new SporteeGal pens in a nice little bag with a ribbon around it and sent them off. They looked so nice I wish I was receiving them ;).

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